'Cause you can be an actor and be healthy.
A mental health course for the actor who’s ready to move from emotionally surviving to THRIVING in pursuit of entertainment industry careers.
GET ACCESS NOW →can you relate?
You love the idea of being a happy and healthy actor.
You want to actually enjoy the pursuit of your acting career without being tangled up in the mental and emotional suffering that so often seems to just be “part of the gig.”  You want to say "bye-bye" to bitterness and disillusionment.
Can you imagine...
Sending a self-tape into the void, not hearing anything back, and still feeling okay?
No longer compulsively checking emails when auditions are “slow?”
Making it to a final round of casting, hearing that the team "went a different direction," and still feeling fired up to keep chasing your dream?
- Not making it into the final cut of the episode or film ... but feeling rock solid when it comes to not taking it personally?
Breaking the all-too-common cycle of staying in bed all day, or engaging in self-destructive behaviors, because you don’t know what to do with yourself and are keeping your days free “just in case” you get an audition or booking?
You may have a hunch that to be an actor who is emotionally thriving ...
you need to learn how to relate to your acting career in a different way.
Problem No. 01
You’re not currently emotionally thriving in the day-to-day grind of your acting career. In fact, you’re hurting.
Problem No. 02
If you’re like most actors, you’re still struggling to figure out if you can pursue an acting career and feel emotionally and mentally okay. You wonder if it's even possible.
Problem No. 03
Let’s face it. The pursuit of an acting career can be brutal, y’all. Acting is supposed to be fun.  You came here because there is goodness in acting. So why does the professional pursuit of this career hurt so bad?
Emotional freedom is waiting.Â
There is a way to be so okay. Â You can pursue your acting career without mentally and emotionally suffering. Â You can do this in a way that sets you up to stay in the game for a long time AND do so with joy rather than bitterness.Â
Are you ready?
Well-meaning friends and family may say, "Well, you knew what you were getting into."  Kick that unhelpful statement to the curb.  Suffering doesn’t have to be a rite of passage in this town. Â
Love acting. Ditch the mental and emotional suffering. Do what you came to do, in the way you would prefer to do it, and from an empowered stance.
Athletes train the mental and emotional game. Â Hey, actors, so can we. Â My husband is a college coach. Â Did I mention that?
Result No. 01
Actors finally understand the dynamics that have been at play in an acting career and why it has been so hard to feel okay.
Result No. 02
Actors finally realize they're not alone in their experiences. Â They breathe a huge sigh of relief because they feel so validated, understood, and seen.
Result No. 03
Actors finally say "no" to limbo and start taking action on things that matter to them. Â They are no longer waiting on a "booking" to escape a life they hate.
so how do we actually do this?
I got you. Let's put the acting career in its proper place.
13 go-at-your-own-pace video lessons that bring AWARENESS to the dynamics at play and VALIDATE the crap out of your experiences.
13 go-at-your-own-pace video lessons that guide you through what TO DOÂ so you can rediscover your love for the dang thing that brought you here in the first place - acting.
Your own digital journal to walk you through every step of the process so you can apply these ideas and strategies to your unique actor journey.
Module number one is all about awareness. Â In this module, we bring awareness to the following:
- We are in a relationship with Hollywood, for better or worse.
- An acting career functions as THE NARCISSIST and actors often present with the same symptoms as survivors of narcissistic relationships.
- Actors often find themselves caught in the narcissistic abuse cycle, which is the primary source of actor pain.
Module number two is all about validation. Â In this module, we validate common emotional experiences.
- The common experience of depression in the pursuit of an acting career.
- The common experience of anxiety in the pursuit of an acting career.
- The ways in which the five stages of grief show up in the pursuit of an acting career.
- The ways in which events may be experienced as traumatic, especially if a desperation to escape our current lives by “booking” has created a trapped experience.
- The actor’s experience of the BIG 3 chronic states: rejection, disappointment, and hits to self-esteem.
Module number three is all about validation. In this module, we validate common attempts to cope.
- How codependency is the #1 WAY actors attempt to cope with the chaos of an acting career.
- The other 12 primary ways actors attempt to cope with the chaos and uncertainty of an acting career (and why it hasn’t worked).Â
Module number four is all about validation. Â In this module, we validate common actor experiences. Â
- Challenges actors face in the pursuit of healthy acting studios and communities.
- GREEN LIGHT and RED LIGHT attributes to consider when choosing acting studios or communities.
- Actor sources of feedback are well-meaning, but often subjective, one person’s opinion, and not data rich or specific.
Module number five is all about the game plan. Â In this module, we will talk about what to do as far as laying a solid FOUNDATION for pursuing an acting career. Â
- How do we build a resilient (instead of a vulnerable) pyramid?
- How do we stabilize the other areas of our lives? Â
- How does structure help to put bumpers around the experience of swinging from one extreme to another in an acting career?
- How does identifying “what matters more to us” help us to downgrade our acting career’s narcissistic influence in our lives?
- How can we be incredibly happy in our lives WHILE we pursue acting careers?
Module number six is all about the game plan. Â In this module, we will talk about what to do as far as navigating the EMOTIONAL pieces of an acting career. Â
- What does it mean to be an emotional skills superhero?
- Do we perceive ourselves as capable or incapable when it comes to managing our internal, emotional world?
- How do we HOLD TWO THINGS AT THE SAME TIME? Holding both the painful realities of our careers, while also changing the ways that we relate to our  careers?
- We will create the actor’s road map for emotional regulation and self-soothing.
Module number seven is all about the game plan. Â In this module, we will talk about what to do as far as navigating the RELATIONAL pieces of an acting career. Â
- We will talk about the ways actors often misplace their attachment needs on their careers (and other players, a-hem, your agent).Â
- We will empower the development of meaningful relationships in our lives that are appropriately responsive to our needs.
- We will discuss the RECOVERY OF SELF as the #1 WAY actors heal from codependency.
- We will discuss the ways in which family members are also in a relationship with your acting career, creating space for the "Us" to talk about how it's really going.
- We will explore why actors are tempted to avoid community, as well as why community is really, really important (especially on our bad days as actors).
Module number eight is all about the game plan. Â In this module, we will talk about what to do as far as navigating the MINDSET pieces of an acting career. Â
- We will create a game plan for “coping ahead” and outline the four major areas of emotional rehearsal.
- We will discuss how to shift to more helpful ways of relating to rejection, as well as removing the threat from rejection. We can experience success and rejection at the same time.
- We will identify the top cognitive errors for actors, as well as explore how helpful cognition emphasizes our capability and resiliency.
You’ll also get this exclusive bonus when you join today!
How to Find a Therapist
No more overwhelm when it comes to finding a therapist. Â
Finding a therapist can feel a lot like dating. It’s hard to find the right fit. Not knowing how to find a therapist should never be the reason you don’t get the support you need and want.Â
Especially for actors. We have a lot to process and sometimes it’s nice to know we have a safe holding space to talk it all out.
Which is why I’m granting you exclusive access to the “How to Find a Therapist Cheat Sheet.” I will walk you through the different types of counselors, the questions to ask insurance companies, and how to find a therapist in your city. When we know how to do it, we are much more likely to take action. Â
Let’s take the mystery out of it. There are so many awesome therapists waiting to connect with you!
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Let’s take a peek inside The Actor's Mental Health Playbook ...
I'm Janelle
I have been in private practice for the past 15 years and specialize in working with actors, entertainment industry professionals, and their families. Â
Janelle, what do you know about acting? Great question.  Just like you, I’m currently doing the dang thing. And I don’t know about you, but there have been times when my acting career has kicked my ass. Â
In my late 20s, I booked a supporting role in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II. Off I went to Baton Rouge, Louisiana for four months to film the final installment of the film franchise, and then back to Los Angeles for two years of publicity. It was an awesome experience. Â
Until it wasn’t. Â
A few days before the premiere, I was informed that my scene was the “last scene cut” from the final edit of the film. I was no longer in the movie. This thing that I had been waiting for was gone overnight.Â
I was devastated. I was a mess. I was overcome with self-doubt. I had to pick up the pieces and as a result, start to think thoughtfully and intentionally about whether I even wanted to do this acting thing anymore. If getting cut from this huge franchise was just a hazard of the job, could I really hang with that? CouId I pursue an acting career and still be emotionally okay?
This is where I’d like to switch over to my therapist hat.Â
It has been my joy and privilege to piece together this course not only from personal experience, but also from the courageous retellings of my many acting and entertainment industry clients. Â
I am in the trenches with you and actively integrating my training as a therapist with my observations of the current acting landscape and tough-to-navigate realities of pursuing an acting career. Â
I have discovered there is a better way.  I'm so excited to share this mental health playbook with you .Â
You're ready to thrive inside The Actor's Mental Health Playbook if you can answer "Yes!" to any of these:
- You’re an actor who wants to feel emotionally so okay and preferably without having to quit the thing that you love - acting.
- You’ve been trying to cope with the chaos and uncertainty of an acting career, but the pursuit of an acting career still feels like torture.
You’re motivated to relate to your acting career in new and profound ways because you know it will mean rediscovering your love for acting and freedom as a performer.
- You’re willing to “try something different” even if it feels counterintuitive at times when it comes to the ways you relate to your acting career.
This course is unique because it's unlike anything else out there.
Let's start with what I'm not. I'm not your acting coach. I will leave the art of acting in the capable hands of the many incredible acting coaches in this town.
However, I have observed that there is a HUGE VOID when it comes to equipping actors with the mental and emotional skills they need to do this acting thing in healthy ways.
Yes, there are life coaches. Â And they're great.
However, I'm taking a different approach here. I was adjunct faculty at a graduate school of psychology and am passionate about providing quality education for actors. This is the first coarse that addresses the actor's issues from a deep understanding of psychological principles, therapeutic modalities, and interventions. Â
A psychological framework allows us to provide psycho-education that "traditional life coaches" are not permitted to teach, such as the ways our personal histories collide with the entertainment industry; issues of identity; underlying systems dynamics; narcissistic relationships (with Hollywood) and emotional abuse; mood pieces and grief; emotional regulation, self-soothing, and coping skills; cognitive errors; and addressing issues of chronic rejection, disappointment, and hits to self-esteem.
TEACH ME HOW →A’s to your Q’s
Is this therapy?
Can I meet with you for therapy?
Does this course tell actors to walk away from their acting careers?
Is this time consuming?
I’m a broke actor. Why should I spend my money on this course instead of an acting class?
Are you a “coach?” What makes you qualified to provide these materials?
I feel like it’s hopeless. Am I ever going to be okay or will an acting career always hurt?
Can you tell me a little more about how it works?
By now, you already know the biggest difference between surviving and thriving is The Actor's Mental Health Playbook. Â
So let's wrap up with a bit of real talk.
- If you’re an actor who’s struggling to feel emotionally okay in the pursuit of your acting career, The Actor’s Mental Health Playbook is for you.
- If you’re no longer willing to just suffer, The Actor’s Mental Health Playbook is for you.
- If you’re confused by all the conflicting information in the entertainment industry (such as the age-old saying, “If you have something to fall back on, you will”) and it’s keeping you from taking real action, The Actor’s Mental Health Playbook is for you.
- If you want to rediscover your joy in acting without having to quit acting (double bind, am I right?), The Actor’s Mental Health Playbook is for you.
- If you value your mental and emotional health and refuse to swallow the lie that “actors are just miserable,” The Actor’s Mental Health Playbook is for you.
- If you believe that actors can be happy and healthy but need some guidance on how to actually make that happen, The Actor’s Mental Health Playbook is for you!
Ready to make it happen?
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